Monthly Archive: August, 2013

Killing Without Consequences: “Counter-Insurgency” Warfare in Greenfield, California


Originally posted on
It’s often said that police are the country’s most dangerous street gang. One significant distinction between police and their private sector counterparts is that street gangs don’t expect…

With a wink, wink the U.S. has a “shared enemy” with Islam!


The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms the cowardly attacks today in Baghdad. These attacks were aimed at families celebrating the Eid al-Fitr holiday that marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The terrorists who committed these acts are enemies of Islam and a shared enemy of the United States, Iraq, and the international community.

The attacks today bear the hallmarks of similar suicide and vehicle bomb attacks in Iraq over the past ninety days. Most of these attacks have been perpetrated by al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). AQI is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a Specially Designated Global Terrorist under Executive Order 13224. He is also listed at the United Nations Security Council 1267/1989 al-Qa’ida Sanctions Committee.

Amnesty and the Economy: A Juan Valdez Overload


Originally posted on Kingsjester's Blog:
So, how that Hopey-Changey Thingy workin’ out for ya? reports that Americans’ confidence in the economy in July was the lowest it has been in any…

Obama Gives Money to Syrian Rebels, Threatens to Cut OUR Veterans’ Services


Originally posted on Kingsjester's Blog:
It has been a long, hot summer. Especially for those Americans, who have been punished by our Petulant President’s “Sequester”. According to the White House Office of…

The New Aristocracy, The New Tea Party, and Divine Providence


Originally posted on Kingsjester's Blog:
The America, which our fellow countrymen fought and died for, is in peril. There is a growing discontent in the air…a palatable division, between those who roam…

Obama style terrorism


Obama had a chance to do the right thing, he chose instead to continue down the road of an authoritarian government rule, a path of tyranny.

I don’t give a rat’s patootie what President engaged in these activities it must end now.

The progressives hate the words “limited government”. They deride anyone that expresses that a “revolt” against the government is necessary.

Where does this end without an all out “revolution” and “limited government”? Truth is it doesn’t.

We all too often think of “limited government” in terms of spending. While that is certainly part of the equation — the other is limiting the “heavy hand of government”.

I don’t for one second believe Obama as a Senator held the belief that what the “spooks” were doing was wrong. I instead believe it was all about politics. It was “Bush-Cheney” bashing. His handlers at the time believed it was a way to fool his worshipers into following him down the road in creating a fascist state.

Power drives the Obama. I am not sure who are all the players that created this new monster. All I can say with any certainty is that the players have kept him corralled to put the last lock on the coffin to bury America.

Obama now Socially Engineering Americans to Love Him


What can I say here, Hussein is not happy with just making slaves of us to serve the needs and wishes of our Federal Government, now he wants to make us like it and ask for more with a smile on our face. Most will not understand what this is about as they don’t even know what government is all about anyway. That Federal Government is a child of The People to Serve us, not Control us and Rule us like our Masters we obey like sheep. The People hold all Power in our Republic as per our Constitution, we Loan government some power to administer and carry out Constructional duties as mandated and required, nothing more.